FAQ – Designers
ICF Italia Panels
Design advantages
ICF ITALIA systems guarantee wide design versatility, especially when combined with reinforced concrete solid slab intermediate floors. The linear design step of the wall is 2.5 cm (cutting step of the elements that compose both the internal and external walls containing the concrete casting).
Structural design
Structural design allows for a wide range of maneuverability and integration with various materials and types of elements. ICF ITALIA, through its team of designers ‘trained’ to use its systems, offers the possibility of a pre-design technical consultation to obtain solutions that guarantee the best common result.
Soundproofing (ref. Condominium)
There are two types of noise that need to be managed when constructing a building: airborne noise and impact or footfall noise. In ICF-Habitat Group constructions, the attenuation of airborne noise (from the external environment and between internal partitions of the building, both on the same living floor and between different floors) is guaranteed by both the thickness of the walls and floors made of reinforced concrete and the correct installation of windows and entrance doors with particularly high-performance characteristics. The noise generated by footsteps, on the other hand, is managed during the installation of internal flooring, carried out paying attention to the perfect execution of all phases that guarantee the correct and high-performance result.
Buildings constructed with the ICF-ITALIA system are designed and built to withstand earthquakes of even high intensity, even greater than those historically recorded in earthquakes that have occurred in Italy over the decades.
The earthquake-resistant structure is based on load-bearing walls. To further increase internal seismic safety (partition walls), dry technology should be chosen, the only one compliant with anti-seismic regulations. Dry internal walls are integral with the structure and optimally resist the stresses due to multidirectional accelerations that develop during an earthquake. This should not be underestimated as the primary cause of death during seismic events is the explosion due to compression of internal partition walls and infill walls of beam and pillar structures. In the classification of limit states, buildings constructed with ICF ITALIA have the highest seismic safety: SLO Operational Limit State, which means that after the seismic event, once the natural fear has passed, after checks by the Fire Department and Civil Protection (in case of very intense earthquakes), it is possible to safely return home. Government Buildings considered STRATEGIC are ALL built with load-bearing walls.
The ICF – ITALIA system is particularly suitable for both the incentives provided for the Seismic Bonus, both in the form of demolition and reconstruction and in that of seismic upgrading of a building. In fact, it is possible to intervene by considerably reducing the reconstruction time or, in the case of a building that cannot be demolished, by implementing both seismic and thermal requalification using tested and certified techniques. It goes without saying that it is also possible to obtain the Ecobonus thanks to the thermal insulation characteristics achieved.
Infiltrations Settlement cracks
Settlement cracks in a structure made with load-bearing walls in reinforced concrete, such as buildings constructed with ICF ITALIA systems, are very rare as the foundation system is a slab and the box-like structure allows for compensations. Different is the issue of waterproofing underground parts, which is beyond the construction type with which the building is made and must be executed with the technology most suitable for the characteristic situation of the place where the building is constructed and installed according to best practices.