FAQ – Builders
ICF Italia Panels
Costs, Construction Times and Comparison with Other Building Techniques
The construction cost of a building, in general, is composed of load-bearing structures (foundations, pillars, walls, beams and floors both flat and roofing), thermal and acoustic insulation, systems (water, heating, electrical and home automation) and finishes (floors, coverings, external and internal doors and windows, sanitary ware, interior and exterior painting).
In the case of using ICF-ITALIA systems, various and numerous analyses have proven a significant reduction in the cost of the first two items, as well as a decrease in construction time.
These factors, with the other items that make up the cost of a building being common to other construction systems as well, ensure that the same building, constructed with the ICF ITALIA system, is certainly less expensive.
The chemical and physical characteristics of the materials with which the load-bearing structure is made, reinforced concrete and polystyrene, allow for performance from both a seismic and thermal and acoustic point of view that is substantially unique in its kind and, above all, with a performance of maintaining the building’s characteristics that is almost constant and continuous over time.
Wall reinforcement steel
ICF Italia systems can accommodate the reinforcements decided by the structural designer, in relation to the seismic zone and the building analysis approach during the calculation preparation.
Applicability (on houses, condominiums, etc…)
With the ICF ITALIA system it is possible to build:
- Swimming pools
- Residential buildings: villas and multi-story buildings
- Accommodation facilities
- Schools
- Gyms
- Commercial buildings
Fireplace / stove
As in all constructions of any type, it is necessary to comply with the regulations for fire protection of flues in heated parts. The fact of having, in buildings constructed with ICF ITALIA systems, concrete walls and floors that constitute the load-bearing structure allows for easier installation.
Infiltrations Settlement cracks
Settlement cracks in a structure made with load-bearing walls in reinforced concrete, such as buildings constructed with ICF ITALIA systems, are very rare as the foundation system is a slab and the box-like structure allows for compensations. Different is the issue of waterproofing underground parts, which is beyond the construction type with which the building is made and must be executed with the technology most suitable for the characteristic situation of the place where the building is constructed and installed according to best practices.